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The Purdue University Retirees Association’s

Historic Purdue Characters Project

To help celebrate Purdue University’s 150th anniversary in 2019, the Purdue University Retirees Association (PURA) recruited some of its members to portray historic characters from Purdue’s past. The reenactors researched their characters, developed period costumes and personas, then appeared at a number of events to share the stories of these important Purdue figures with the public. PURA member and past PURA president, Tom Turpin, organized the team.

The following photos were taken at the various events at which the reenactors appeared during the 150th
Purdue anniversary year, and after. Highlights included the 2019 Homecoming parade, alumni events, and talking with a local 4th grade history class. In April 2022, four of the reenactors appeared at the Purdue
Women’s Club (an independent organization founded by Purdue women faculty and staff) 100th anniversary luncheon, joined by a community member portraying a new character (see page 8 for that story).

Many of these photos were originally published in PURA’s monthly newsletter, PURA News, as were stories about eight of the historic characters (August 2019 through February 2020). Back issues of the newsletter may be found on PURA’s website, www.purdue.edu/retirees, under the Archive tab. Photos are courtesy of PURA members. If known, photographers have been credited.


Photo courtesy of PURA member Connie Bilyeu. 

January 2019: PURA Historic Characters’ First Appearance


In January 2019, three of PURA’s historic characters attended the Purdue Pest Management Conference, held in the Purdue Memorial Union.

Pictured from left, are:

Mary Alice Nebold, as Amelia Earhart

Tom Turpin, as J. Clifford Turpin

Olivia Wood, as Mary L. Mathews


Photo courtesy of John Obermeyer, a staff member in Purdue’s Entomology department. 

February 4, 2019

In February 2019, five of PURA’s historic Purdue characters made an appearance at PURA’s monthly meeting, held at the former MCL Cafeteria, in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Pictured, from left, are:

Tom Turpin, as J. Clifford Turpin (no relation)

David Caldwell, as Orville Redenbacher

Olivia Wood, as Mary L. Mathews

Mary Alice Nebold, as Amelia Earhart

Scott Rumble, as Harvey Wiley


Photo courtesy of PURA member John Schneider. 

April 2019

In April 2019, several of PURA’s historic characters attended another event in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Pictured from left, are:

Olivia Wood, as Mary L. Mathews

Scott Rumble, as Harvey Wiley

John Norberg, as John Purdue

Tom Turpin, as J. Clifford Turpin

Mary Alice Nebold, as Amelia Earhart

David Caldwell, as Orville Redenbacher


April 11, 2019: College of Health and Human Sciences reception at the Fowler House
Mansion, Lafayette, Indiana.

Pictured, from left:

David Caldwell, as Orville Redenbacher

John Norberg, as John Purdue

Mary Alice Nebold, as Amelia Earhart

Joyce Beery, as Virginia Meredith

Tom Turpin, as J. Clifford Turpin

Olivia Wood, as Mary L. Matthews

Robert “Pete” Bill, as John T. McCutcheon

Scott Rumble, as Harvey Wiley


Photo courtesy of Casey Dexter, Purdue College of Health and Human Sciences’ Operations and Special Events Director. 

October 10, 2019: PURA’s Historic Purdue Characters Attend Homecoming Parade

Pictured, from left: are

Robert “Pete” Bill, as John T. McCutcheon

David Caldwell, as Orville Redenbacher

Carolyn Jones, as Dr. Lillian Gilbreth

Olivia Wood, as Mary L. Matthews

Mary Alice Nebold, as Amelia Earhart

Tom Turpin, as Clifford Turpin

John Norberg, as John Purdue


Photo courtesy of Brandon Stevens, the driver and owner of the 1929 Model A Ford pictured above. Mr. Stevens is the son of one of PURA reenactor Mary Alice Nebold’s former 6th grade students, from Spencer County, Indiana. 

Spring 2019: Purdue Polytechnic Spring Luncheon, at Westminster Village, West Lafayette, Indiana.

Pictured, from left:

Tom Turpin, as J. Clifford Turpin

Olivia Wood, as Mary L. Matthews

Scott Rumble, as Harvey Wiley

Joyce Miles, as Virginia Meredith

Robert “Pete” Bill, as John T. McCutcheon

Mary Alice Nebold, as Amelia Earhart

Carolyn Jones, as Lillian Gilbreth


April 7, 2022: Purdue Women's Club 100th Anniversary Luncheon

In April 2022, several of the female PURA historic reenactors reprised their roles as Purdue historic characters at the Purdue Women’s Club (PWC1) 100th Anniversary Luncheon. As recapped in the PWC’s newsletter, “the influential women from the past came dressed for their era, and mingled with the crowd until lunch was over, and then came up on stage and delighted he crowd with their discussions. The “living history” presentation was quite a unique way to step back in time to understand some of PWC’s history as a club.”

The historic figures included Joyce Miles, Olivia Wood, Carolyn Jones, and Mary Alice Nebold. The four were joined by community member Angie Klink2 portraying former Purdue Professor Laura Fry, one of the founders of the Purdue Women’s Club. Dean Mary L. Matthews is credited with the current PWC Interest Group Structure. She was a fierce advocate for women being educated and the importance of their work.

Pictured, from left:

 Joyce Miles, as Purdue Trustee, Virginia Meredith

Olivia Wood, as Dean Mary L. Matthews

Carolyn Jones, as Dr. Lillian Gilbreth

Mary Alice Nebold, as Instructor and aviatrix Amelia Earhart

Angie Klink, as Professor Laura Fry




Story courtesy of The Purdue Women’s Club; photos
courtesy of PURA/PWC member Karen Weatherwax.

1The Purdue Women’s Club is an independent, non-profit, community social and service club, founded in 1922 by Purdue faculty and staff women, and open to all women in the community.

2Ms. Klink is .the author of several books on Purdue, including The Dean’s Bible: Five Purdue Women and Their Quest for Equality, available from Purdue University Press or Ms. Klink’s website, https://angieklink.com/